My middle child has a hard time keeping her room clean. I'm over the crying that happens when I ask her to clean her room. I have been making a few fabric covered boxes to fit on her shelf. However, throwing her stuff in boxes didn't allow her to see her things. So the next day, she would dump everything out to find her Barbies. To help with the mess, I made her a "Barbie Jail." (That is what she calls it.) A shoe rack did not work very well as the Barbies fell out of the pockets.
The best part is that I have room to add more pockets in the middle when we need them. (I haven't allowed her to bring my Barbies up from the basement yet.)
If you would like to make something similar, go
here to how A Girl and A Glue Gun made hers. It is much fancier than mine. Maybe she has more time??? :)