Sunday, August 7, 2011

Headband - From Re-purposed TShirt

Little Miss Momma challenged her readers to wear a headband for a week. I usually do not wear headbands because they do not stay put my hair. However, I decided I would do this. I made a new one that is braided using 5 strips of soft, stretchy material from an old shirt of mine using this tutorial. (Great job Make It and Love It). I love this headband! It is super comfy and it stays in! I think I may need to make a few more in different colors.

I did wear a few other headbands during the week, but this was my fave.

I will be linking this post to Little Miss Momma and Fix It Up Fridays @ Blessings Overflowing.


  1. I think your new headband looks great! I might have to try this one with my headband loving daughter. Thanks so much for linking up!

  2. I love your headband.
    I am actually having a super cute hair accessory giveaway now at my blog. make sure to enter for your chance to win.
