Monday, April 25, 2011

New Dress for Easter

If you know me, you know that I hate to shop for clothes for me. I often come home feeling defeated because things did NOT fit. I decided this year I was going to make my own dress for Easter. I could use the colors that I like and make it the length I need. I started by picking a pattern that I liked (McCalls 6322). Then to find the fabric. I already had the pink ribbon.

For me, this was so.much.easier. I told my husband that I will be making my own dresses now. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Career Day

My son had career day at school. He wanted to be a soldier just like his dad. So I went to our nearest PX to get him the kid's army ACU. Wouldn't you know it, they would not have his size. Next plan, find it on line. Hmm, with shipping it would not get here soon enough. Plan C? I remembered that we had some scrub type pants that were the digital camo. I will make a pair of pants. He asked for the cargo pockets on the side too. I took a pair of pants that fit my son to use as a pattern. Snip here, re-sew, add elastic, add pockets and ... new pants for my son in time for career day.

My son did find his digital camo T shirt and thankfully it still fit. He also got to take Daddy's hat. For his picture, he "stood like a soldier." - ATTENTION!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Watch out! My son usually runs from the camera, but not today. He was more than willing to pose for a picture showing off his new gift.

I did not want my son to feel left out. I made him a Batman cape. He was super excited to see it this morning when he woke up. He immediately put it on and took off running. :) My plan was to make it a reversible cape and make a 'superhero' logo/name for him on the other side. It is currently only Batman. I am trying to come up with another hero name for my son.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another purpose

I made these shorts for my 4 yr old daughter using my 6 yr old son's old jeans. Even though they are 2 years apart, my 4 year old is wearing the size my 6 year old is out growing. She needed some shorts (and have you noticed how short girl shorts are). The knees in his old jeans were ripped so I cut them off and added a ruffle of material. My daughter has been asking for a capital N shirt so I use the same material to grant her wish.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring TIme

My middle daughter loves her PDO teacher. The PDO teachers wear the scrub type shirts. My daughter's teacher was wearing her 'snowflake' shirt they other day so I decided to surprise her. My daughter picked out this pink material for her favorite teacher.