Thursday, September 8, 2011

BOO! My little Ghost Shirt

BOO! Did my 3 little ghosts scare you? I saw this idea over at Nothing But Country and thought it would be cute for my youngest.
Super Cuteness!

Then I realized that I would love a shirt with the prints of my 3 kids. (And if I loved it, wouldn't Nana and Grandma love one too?) Only one of three would let me paint their foot...guesses to which one?? Instead of painting their feet, I traced feet on paper and made stencils. It was actually easier (and less of a clean up) to make the stencil. I even made shirts for Nana and Grandma.

So, surprise Nana!

1 comment:

  1. Those are absolutely adorable! I love handprint and/or footprint crafts. Too cute! Thanks for linking up!
